Fight Back Against Social Media Hacking: How to Protect Your Accounts

Your personal social media account should be yours to enjoy. What happens when you’re the victim of social media hacking?

It is alarming because they can take any information that they want and make disparaging comments.

That kind of exchange can have damaging effects on a personal or business account because its followers will raise their eyebrows at out-of-character comments made.

It’s imperative you know how to protect yourself or your business from online hacking.

Read on to find out best practices preventing hacking into social media.

Social Media Hacking

You can prevent yourself from being another hacked account added to a hacker’s list.

Following these steps will give you peace of mind knowing that your accounts are safe, and you can enjoy your social media experience.

Strengthen Your Passwords

Enhance password security with LogmeOnce’s password manager.

Their premium service is free and offers unlimited passwords, two-factor authentication, and much more.

If you’re a family looking to boost password security, up to six family members can enjoy the family plan for $4.99 a month.

Two-factor Authentication Is your Friend

I get it. You don’t feel like using two-factor authentication to get into your account.

You want to put in your username and password and be done with it. That makes sense.

Here’s the thing: think of two-factor authentication as a security door on your home. Nobody can break in without an automated personal PIN linked to your successful login.

Two-factor authentication helps prevent break-ins by ensuring you are the one logging in.

Things to Know about Hackers

Cybercriminals readily take advantage of the personal details people share online and use them to impersonate us. It’s their go-to move for hacking social media.

They follow the trail: every photo posted, location that’s checked, person tagged, or pet photo uploaded is like being in a candy store for a hacker.

Hackers create social engineering scams to trick people into downloading malware, sending money, sharing personal information, or disclosing log-in details.

Oversharing online is a huge problem that is very common in today’s world.

A social engineering email scam report by Tessian found that 84 percent of people post on social media every week, and 42 percent do it every day.

Fifty-five percent of those survey participants have public Facebook profiles, and 67 percent have public Instagram profiles.

Speaking of those two titans in the social media landscape, along with Snapchat, they were the most hacked social media accounts.

From February 2020 to February 2021, ActionFraud received 15,214 reports regarding email and social media hacking.

Phishing messages were the preferred tactic to lure unsuspecting victims, being the most common tactic used by cybercriminals to lure unsuspecting victims.

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