There are many books on how to get success and be successful. However, there is no answer to the main question because there is simply no recipe for success.
So many men, so many minds. Somebody believes that it is impossible to be successful. What is meant to be, will be. Somebody thinks that you just need to be born lucky or come from a rich family. However, coming from a rich family is not always a synonym for success.
It is possible to become a successful person and to get a successful career. How? Read further.
1. A successful person is looking for opportunities, unsuccessful – for excuses, and ever new obstacles. Take this situation – a lack of money. A successful person will look for opportunities to earn, knowledge on how to manage money; unsuccessful – the reasons why he cannot earn in “this” country.
2. A successful person acts, an unsuccessful one puts off the action for later. Successful acts, despite laziness, fear, ignorance. The unsuccessful constantly accumulate knowledge that he does not apply, he is always waiting for a favorable moment, but he still does not come. As one wise man aptly remarked: “Summer is a dead season and it’s time for holidays, autumn is time to send children to school, winter is New Year’s holidays, spring is the beginning of the summer season. Is it better to live when? ”
3. The successful strives for more than he is now, the unsuccessful prefers the status quo. “Then I could not, but now I can,” is the internal dialogue of a successful person. “What for? And so it will come down, ”- the internal dialogue of an unsuccessful person. 4. The successful one falls and rises again, the unsuccessful one is afraid to fall, to make a mistake, and if he falls, he no longer seeks to rise. In the biographies of famous people, you can often read about the moments of defeat, serious losses. This is a peculiar moment of truth, the behavior in which determines the success of a person.
5. Successful – self-motivated, unsuccessful need external motivation. As a rule, a successful one is motivated by passion, a desire to prove his strength, and a sincere interest in the activity itself. The unsuccessful must be constantly motivated by material wealth, the approval of others.
6. The successful takes risks, the unsuccessful is afraid to take risks. Fortunately or unfortunately, life is unpredictable, and adverse circumstances can interfere with the best plan. A successful person understands this and takes a step into the unknown.
7. Successful patient, ready to go a long way towards his goal, unsuccessful wants everything at once. Someone from the great said: “Genius is 1% luck and 99% hard work.”
8. Successful is not afraid of failures; unsuccessful failures are knocked out of the saddle. “A person’s success in life is determined by the number of“ uncomfortable conversations ”he has withstood,” Timothy Ferris.
9. Successful believes in himself, unsuccessful believes others’ words about himself. A psychological experiment is indicative in this sense: by conspiracy, all participants called the square a circle, and only one participant who did not know about the conspiracy stated the opposite. Most people who did not know about the conspiracy agreed after a while with the general point of view.
10. Successful people follow the call of the Big Dream, A worthy goal in life, the unsuccessful pursues small goals. History knows many examples when real success came to those who chose an unattainable at first glance goal that far exceeded their capabilities at the time of choice. Success is the result of an action, and failure is the result of expectation. Each person can become successful if he wants and develops the necessary qualities in himself.

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