How to Use an Equivalent Ratio Calculator

If you’ve ever tried to work out a ratio, you’ll know it can be a nightmare. Especially when fractions and decimals are involved, enter the equivalent ratio calculator.

The beauty of this little widget is that, unlike traditional calculations, it will automatically recognize your problem as a ratio problem and give you the answer in the box at the bottom right.

It means that instead of having to deal with fractions or decimals yourself, you can input your numbers into the top box and click solve without breaking a sweat!

In this brief guide, we look at how to use this type of calculator and when it’s most useful while doing your math homework.

What Is an Equivalent Ratio?

An equivalent ratio in math is a ratio that is essentially interchangeable with another equivalent ratio. 1/8 and 2/16 are equal ratios, for example. They have the same value, and both represent the exact relationship between the numbers.

Equivalent Ratios work for both divisions and multiplications. For example, try dividing 4 by 2 then dividing 6 by 3.

You’ll see that they are equivalent ratios as they give the same answer. The bottom number doubles and then adds to the top number. In the end, both ratios equal 2.

Many students struggle with fractions or finding their place in calculations. Instead of needing to study an entirely new slant on maths, there is another alternative.

You can get straight to using an equivalent ratio calculator to suggest answers to your problems.

How to Use an Equivalent Ratio Calculator

You can use an equivalent ratio calculator whenever you’re trying to figure out the ratio between two numbers.

For example, if you know one number is double another but don’t know the second number’s value, using an equivalent ratio calculator will help.

By inputting your original numbers into the top box and then inputting the identical fraction or decimal into the bottom box, you’ll receive a result in seconds! It’s that simple!

However, where this calculator shines is when performing division problems. For example, suppose you want to divide $20 by $5. A standard calculator will tell you the answer as $4, but that doesn’t tell you much.

However, using an equivalent ratio calculator lets you know that the answer is 4:1. This method is a lot more useful and easier to work with when it comes to figuring out the value of 25% of $20 or 400% of $5.

Similarly, if you’re performing multiplication problems, use an equivalent ratio calculator instead of a regular one. By inputting the same numbers into the top and bottom boxes, you’ll be able to get an answer in seconds not minutes.

Why Use a Ratio Calculator?

There are many benefits to using an equivalent ratio calculator over a regular standard calculator. The main one is that it will automatically recognize your problem as a ratio problem. This way, you don’t need to waste time getting distracted with fractions or decimals.

When you get distracted with these fractions and decimals, the working out can get messy, especially in a larger equation. Often, problems can get so complicated that they become a hassle to solve, and the solution feels a long way off. It’s tempting to give up at the first hurdle.

But using an equivalent ratio calculator means that you won’t have to deal with fractions at all, saving you the hassle of fiddling around with decimal numbers every step of the way. The calculator will handle all the hard work for you, increasing your efficiency and giving you more time to solve the problem at hand.

Suppose you’re new to maths and worried that certain equations would be too complex for you. In that case, an equivalent ratio calculator can help take the stress out of calculations so that you don’t need to sweat when working complex problems out, a bit like a simplify calculator.

Other Advantages of Using an Equivalent Ratio Calculator

The obvious answer here is speed. Using an equivalent ratio calculator will help find solutions to maths problems faster, even if you know you’re way around an exact ratio in your head.

It’s quick to process and one less thing to think about in a sea of numbers. As a result, you’ll become more efficient and spend more time focusing on the formula areas in which you need to develop your learning.

You’re also less likely to make mistakes in the calculations, assuming you input the correct numbers, of course! It is because you won’t have to worry about fractions and decimals moving around, making it more straightforward for you to input numbers into the calculator.

For some of the more intricate problems, you may find yourself inputting numbers two or three times. It’s because the calculator does the work for you and calculates every step of the way. So use it with confidence and know that you’re doing all that you can to make your math homework easier for yourself!

Find Equivalent Ratios Using a Calculator

An equivalent ratio calculator is not essential for students. Still, it is excellent for those who are looking for a quick and easy way to solve calculations where fractions or decimals are involved.

By using an equivalent ratio calculator you can have that extra bit of confidence in your problem-solving skills and move on to more challenging aspects of math homework as a result and make your math more efficient in the process.

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