PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming language that was originally created for developing web applications but has evolved into a general-purpose language. It is not an easy language, and often the students who learn it have problems. In this case, they can always find help by simply googling, “Do my PHP assignment.” Thus, students can find services that will help solve the problem faster and more efficiently.
Is it difficult to learn PHP?
There is no objective answer to this question since complexity refers to subjective concepts. However, PHP has a reputation for being a low-threshold language. In this case, we are talking about both the features of the language itself and the availability of information: there are a lot of literature, paid and free PHP courses, and exercises on the Internet.
It is important to note the following point. Beginners should start studying not by learning the language but by learning to program. Thesis on the results of the section: PHP has a reputation as a language with a low threshold of entry. However, beginners should immediately focus on learning programming, not language syntax.
As you gain experience, you will become a Middle PHP developer. This is a programmer with more than two years of experience, who has participated in large projects, knows the PHP language and frameworks well, is able to solve problems of average complexity, and works independently without constant supervision from senior colleagues.
Senior level implies expert knowledge in the field of programming, possession of a wide technology stack, the ability to solve complex problems, manage a team, and development experience of five years or more.

PHP Perspective
PHP is a pretty good learning option for both IT beginners and those working with other languages. The syntax of the language is included in the C-like group, and this makes it possible to quickly understand the logic in the code of applications in Java, C#, C++, and so on. Python and Golang look unusual, but for those who want to learn more languages, this is not an obstacle.
If we talk about the advantages of PHP, it is worth mentioning:
- low entry threshold
- convenient and proven development tools
- huge community
- no less a huge number of instructions, ready-made solutions (CMS, frameworks, plugins, and libraries)
- undemanding to the working environment.
From a beginner’s point of view, this language is also good because it uses dynamic typing and the “worked and died” model. This makes the problem of memory leaks less acute and allows you to write fewer lines of code, making generic methods and functions, albeit in some cases at the expense of the architecture.
The outlook for PHP is also pretty interesting. Since version 5.3, the language began to develop very actively and acquire expressive properties (namespaces, generators, optional type-hinting, etc.) and the ability to work in asynchronous mode.
The job prospects are also quite extensive. A lot of both old and new projects use PHP. At the same time, the complexity of applications also varies: from small landing pages to complex web applications that process large amounts of data within server clusters.
Tips for novice developers
- Make a plan for how you are going to learn PHP from scratch. Determine the technology stack you want to master. For example, to work as a web developer, you need to know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- To better understand what is worth learning and in what order, look at the catalog of professions. Learn information about the professions of programmers and their specializations.
- Practice. For example, you can create a personal WordPress site and install new plugins, modify ready-made scripts from the Internet and write your own code from scratch.
- If something is not working out for you, do not rush to give up training. It can be difficult to navigate in terms at first. This is normal. As you dive into the topic, it will become easier for you.
- Programming is a constant development. Therefore, you need to study constantly because technologies do not stand still. Refresh knowledge in a timely manner.
- It can be difficult for beginners to find their first job. While you are looking for a job in the office, you can make money by freelancing. For example, you can sell services for installing ready-made scripts and finalizing them. Look at what services are in demand and try to offer similar but slightly cheaper ones.
- If you came for an interview and you were refused, be sure to ask what knowledge and skills you lacked to get a job. Usually, employers provide this information. Close your knowledge gaps and try the interview again. It happens that the developer is hired from the second or even the third time – this is normal.
- It is easier for a beginner to get a job in small web studios and startups. They do not pay the highest salaries, but they give an opportunity to gain experience and in the future get a job in a larger company.
According to experts, the language is evolving towards OOP, and strong typing is expected to appear in it. This will make it easier to work on serious large-scale projects. Therefore, PHP developers face exciting challenges!