Technology has continued to transform lives in many ways. Internet penetration is at its highest point across the world – something that has turned the entire universe into a global village. But there are many several challenges that brought by technological advancements.
As much as the internet helps people to conduct business and other things, most people are always apprehensive about the safety of their personal information. That’s why a majority of online users prefer using VPNs.
What is VPN?
VPN is an acronym for Virtual Private Network. It is a system where you are able to create a protected network connection whenever you are using a public network. The main purpose of a VPN is to disguise your online identity by encrypting your internet traffic.
By encrypting your network, it becomes almost impossible for third parties to snoop around and try to steal your personal information. The encryption process happens in real-time.
How does Virtual Private Network (VPN) Work?
A Virtual Private Network disguises your IP address by allowing the network to redirect it via a specifically configured remote server under the control of a VPN host. What does that mean? If you are browsing the internet using a VPN host, then the source of your data becomes the VPN server.
As such, your ISP or internet service provider together with other third parties won’t be able to know which websites you visit or the kind of information you share online. A VPN can be viewed as a filter that converts all your data into gibberish. This means even if someone was to get ahold of it, it won’t help them in any way.

Types of Virtual Private Network (VPN)
There are basically two VPN types. Here is a description of each one of them:
- Remote Access VPN
This type of VPN allows users to connect to a network that’s private and get access to all sorts of websites anonymously. The connection between the network and the user happens via the internet. The connection is always private and secure.
Remote VPNs can be used both at home and within business environments. For example, employees can use VPNs to access their company’s private network remotely.
- Site to Site VPN
Also known as router-to-router VPN, a site-to-site VPN is mainly used in big companies. Organizations or companies that have branches in different locations usually use site-to-site VPNs to link the network of one office location to another.
The Importance of VPN
- Secure browsing
One major advantage of a Virtual Private Network is that it makes your internet activities secure by encrypting your network. This makes it difficult for anyone to track what you are doing online
- Ability to access regional networks
Some countries or regions restrict outsiders from accessing their internet. But with a virtual private network, you can switch your server to any location you want and browse without any hindrance.
- Disguise your information
A VPN basically acts as your internet proxy. This is because your original location is hidden and data comes from a server from another country.
In general, VPNs play a big role in the lives of many people. It can help in concealing your online identity, access restricted sites, protect your privacy among other benefits.