Looking to use the most effective marketing techniques to promote your brand? These five modern marketing ideas have the impact you’re looking for:
- Corporate Gifts
Sending corporate gifts to potential and current clients is an impactful marketing strategy that is extremely budget-friendly. By sending corporate gifts to people you want to impress, you can:

- Boost their opinion of your business;
- Ensure they remember your services;
- Ensure they are more likely to buy from you;
- Get your products and branding in front of their clients, friends, and associates.
The only caveat is that you must invest in high-quality corporate gifts. Otherwise, you could do quite the opposite of impressing the recipient. Make use of touch panels, instead of using desktops and laptops without touch, the more the interaction the better will be the participation of customers, you can check for 6AV6643-0CD01-1AX1, it is the best recommended touch screen for offices.
- Targeted Advertising
As the average person’s attention span gets shorter and shorter, product marketing must change along with it to ensure a tailor-made experience is given to the user. This is called targeted advertising, and it’s achieved by utilizing data to ensure only products, issues, and topics the user identifies with are put in front of them. By using the data from your social media channels, website, email campaigns, and other forms of advertising, you can have much more reach and impact with your target audience.
- Video Content
Video content is shared 1200% more than text and links. That makes it an incredibly powerful marketing tool for any brand to use. Create a fantastic video that speaks to your audience, and you create something shareable, something that starts conversations, and something that boosts brand loyalty. Most importantly, good video content can give you better sales too.
- Social Media Advertising
Social media platforms gained nearly 500 million users last year alone. They are a huge marketing resource that any brand interested in making an impact ought to utilize.
During the pandemic, social media has been the main way many people stay in touch with their favorite brands, so engagement on these platforms is more important than ever for brands that want to stay current.
This includes speedy replies to any mentions, responses to relevant posts, plenty of competitions, relatable questions, and sign-up opportunities for your newsletters. The more relatable you are, the more customer loyalty you will harness.
- Creating A Multilingual Website
For international businesses, one of the easiest ways to market is to add new languages to your website. It sounds all too simple, but science tells us, it is actually one of the most intelligent marketing strategies going.
The internet was created by English-speaking people, with about 89%of it currently being presented in English. Despite a huge portion of the world speaking English, many people don’t, and even if they do, when it comes to making purchasing decisions, there is a strong preference for buying from sites in their native language. Online users also have short attention spans, making them less likely to take the time to try and understand a language that isn’t native to them.
By creating a multilingual website with professional translation, you open your brand up to all the internet users who speak in that language, expanding your customer base astronomically with one simple website addition.
“Marketing’s job is never done. It is about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” – Beth Comstock
Marketing in a modern world is always going to be a case of innovating and never resting on the techniques that worked for you before. By moving forward and trying new things, you have the best possible chance of your brand growing and going from strength to strength.