Data security is one of the major concerns of businesses, whether small or big, a business wouldn’t want its confidential data to get into the hands of a network intruder, which can otherwise cause a serious loss to the organization.
Every second, hundreds of thousands of GB of data is being exchanged online, and your company too contributes to this huge number and getting this information into the hands of a mischievous hacker can damage the reputation of the company as well as harm the privacy of the people connected with the business.
In such cases, a VPN acts as a shield to protect the employees’ online identity and location from intruders. If you haven’t installed a VPN in your company’s ecosystem yet, and still find reasons why VPN is so important for business, read this article and find it out yourself.
But before we get into the reasons for installing a VPN, let’s find out more about what exactly is a VPN.

What is a VPN?
A VPN means a virtual private network that helps you to stay anonymous on the internet while downloading or uploading network packets. VPN also helps in accessing applications and websites in a region where it is blocked.
Mostly, individuals and organizations use VPN for doing online activities anonymously and staying away from Network intruders. Using a VPN make it difficult for unauthorized sources to track your online activities and real IP address along with strong encryption.
Here are some benefits of having a VPN:
- Secure connections: A VPN helps in keeping the connection secure by encrypting it. Moreover, it also helps in changing the IP address of the user and prevent hackers to sneak into the network.
- Bypass Geo-restrictions: Another primary reason why people use VPNs is to bypass geographical restrictions. For instance, if you live in India and want to access a website or application that can be accessed only in the USA, then it can be done by connecting to a US server using a VPN.
5 Reasons Why VPN is an Essential Tool for Businesses
- Reduce the risk of security and data breaches on Public Networks
The companies mostly use a Wi-Fi connection to connect to the internet, and it’s child’s play for hackers to get into a weak security network and access the employee’s online data and activity.
But if you are connected to a VPN, chances of getting hacked are reduced, as the attacker might know the devices connected to the Wi-Fi but won’t have an idea of sent and received data through your protected network.
If you often work from different locations and connect to public Wi-Fi in a café or bar for work purposes, using a VPN will be a good addition to your online security. Start now by purchasing a reliable VPN service and protect your online activities from intruders.
- Testing products from different locations
Most developers who create multilingual apps and websites want to check the site or app response from different locations to check the speed performance, content translation and other important factors.
No one would travel to different countries or ask their friends from different countries to help them test the product from their end. In such cases, a VPN helps a lot. You can check your application or site’s performance from different location while sitting on your chair. This not only helps in improving the product’s performance but also makes the entire process easy.
- Geo-independence
Some countries block certain websites and applications in their geographical boundaries, due to various privacy and security concerns. If your employees usually travel to such countries and want to access the company’s data, it wouldn’t be possible as the website’s access is blocked in particular geographical boundaries.
In such cases, a VPN will help you bypass the geographical restrictions and access the websites and apps that are blocked in that region.
- It’s affordable
Some small and medium-sized businesses lack the proper infrastructure to safeguard the user’s personal information due to a lack of budget, but investing in a VPN is very affordable as the most renowned VPNs in the market provide an additional discount for small- and large-scale organizations.
Therefore, companies and businesses who lack adequate funds to shield their user data should get hold of a strong VPN service provider and install it in their business’s ecosystem. Most of the VPN service providers have plans starting from 7 or 8 dollars per month per user which is relatively cheaper.
In Context
Businesses should use the VPN technology to protect the data of their users, client and other confidential documents of the business. A VPN not only helps in spoofing real-time location but also helps in keeping the employee’s online activity secure while he or she is working away from the office and is connected to a public network that is more prone to security threats.