By 2023, it is estimated that 4.3 billion people globally will be using email. That’s well over half the population of the planet. With such a wide pool of users, it is clear that emails are a great way of making contact with customers.
Email marketing is not a new thing. The first marketing email was sent out in 1978 to 400 people and resulted in $13 million in sales. While that level of success is hard to beat, many businesses find a great deal of success through their email marketing list.
So, what are the benefits of email marketing?
Here are five indisputable reasons why you need an Email Marketing list in 2021.

1. An Email Marketing List Helps You Build Relationships
Sending out marketing emails is a great way to connect with an audience. When you send out a mailshot to your customer base, try and make your language accessible. Making your emails friendly and conversational will mean they’ll be more likely to get read.
2. Email Newsletters Are Affordable
Email marketing needn’t cost the earth. This makes it cheaper than pay-per-click advertising, or producing print, radio, or TV adverts.
To generate your email list in the first place, you could offer discounts off the customer’s first sale after signing up. This will generate sales, albeit slightly discounted ones.
3. You Own Your Email Marketing List
You may have customer lists on a range of platforms. But the follower lists that you market to on Facebook or Twitter could disappear overnight. You don’t own them.
One of the best things about your email marketing list is that you own it and nothing can take it away from you.
4. Emails Build Trust
When you send out an email to your customers, it will build trust between you both.
Whenever your customers read an email from you, they’ll do it in their own inbox. It won’t be an unsolicited advert on social media, or an ad disrupting their TV viewing. They’ll opt to open the email.
This makes emails more of an intimate form of communication.
An email allows your customers to feel as though they are part of the conversation. They can reply to your email and ask questions. This allows the building of trust.
5. Promotional Emails Are Targeted
Because the emails you are sending out are going to customers who have willingly signed up for updates from you, you can really target your message to them.
Use best practices to craft your emails to make sure that you’re targeting the right customers with the correct promotions.
Why Use a Mailing List?
Using an email marketing list should be an essential element of your advertising strategy. Email marketing lists allow you to build trust and relationships with your customers. They differ from other forms of advertising because they are solicited.
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