Curious what the key to great website design is? Want to understand how to make an amazing WordPress site?
If you’re desigining a webiste with WordPress, then it’s important that you consider every element of the design carefully. Because
WordPress is so powerful and offers so many customization options, it can also be easy to fall into pitfalls and make some major mistakes
with your site.
We’re here to help. In this article, we’ll list 7 helpful WordPress website design tips that you need to use.

1. Choose the Perfect Theme
One of the main things to remember when designing a WordPress site is that you should carefully consider which theme you use. There are many themes out there, both free and paid, and they have a range of different features. On top of this, each theme will also affect your site’s speed and mobile-friendliness in different ways.
You’ll want to do your research to find a theme that looks great, gives your site great customization options, and also doesn’t harm the
performance of your site.
2. Use Responsive Design
When choosing a WordPress theme, you need to look for one that is responsive and mobile-friendly. Many themes will state clearly whether
they are responsive or not, so be sure to look for this when choosing a theme to use for your site.
A responsive theme will automatically adjust its appearance for whichever device is being used by a site visitor. This means that your site will simultaneously end up looking great on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers.
By choosing a responsive theme, you’ll ensure that visitors have an easy time accessing your site. You’ll also ensure Google prioritizes your website in search results.
3. Prioritize Site Speed
When creating a WordPress site, you should also optimize it for speed as well.
As mentioned above, the theme you choose can make an impact on how fast your side loads and how usable it is. However, optimizing site speed doesn’t stop there. There are many other things you can do to tweak your site and ensure that it loads quickly.
Optimizing and compressing the code on your site can help as can compressing images. Additionally, there are also some great WordPress plugins that you can install that will automatically help optimize your site for speed and performance. Also helpful for improving site speed is choosing a reliable web host to use.
4. Find a Great Host
If you want to improve the speed of your site as well as it’s overall performance, you should make sure that you choose a high-quality and
reliable web host.
With a great web host, your site will have more uptime and will be less likely to crash. You’ll also have the resources needed to handle a high
volume of visitors if your website traffic spikes.
While there are many different hosts out there to choose from, not all of them are created equally. You’ll want to do your research and find one
that will be perfect for your needs. You may want to consider getting WordPress hosting by Pressable if you want to ensure your site gets started off on the right foot.
5. Optimize Images
One way that you can improve site speed and boost the performace of your site is to make sure that you’re compressing any images you have
on it.
Large images can bog down your site and cause it to load more slowly. This can also harm your site’s SEO as well and will make it less likely that your site will appear on search engine results pages.
Installing an image optimization plugin is a great idea and will allow you to compress and optimizine your images. This will help ensure that your website’s pages don’t load slowly.
6. Choose Legible Fonts
Another thing you should do to create a great WordPress design is to use fonts that are easy to read. While there are many fonts out there, not all of them are ideal for use on your website.
When creating your website, you shouldn’t make it any harder than you have to for visitors to navigate your site, find information they’re looking for, and engage with your content. Be sure to choose a readable font to use such as Arial or Georgia if you want to optimize your site design.
7. Manage Your Plugins
To build a killer WordPress site, it can pay to think carefully about which plugins you use.
While plugins can be incredibly helpful for adding functionality to your site and improving its performance, it’s best not to go overboard. Adding too many plugins can bog down your site and may lead to poorer performance overall.
Instead, only install the plugins that you actually need. Then, be sure to pay attention and take notice if any particular plugins are causing your site to slow down considerably.
Not all Plugins will have the same effect on your site, so you’ll want to know everything you can about a WordPress plugin before making the decision to install it on your website.
Making the Most of WordPress Website Design With These Tips
If you want to ensure great website design when using WordPress, you need to take heed of the advice above. Be sure that you use these tips
if you want your WordPress design to be fast, powerful, and perfect for your needs.
Searching for more great website design tips? Read through our blog to find more useful advice now.