The Types of Digital Marketing: A Basic Guide

In 2019, digital marketing spending overtook traditional ads for the first time ever. In 2020, that trend skyrocketed as more people congregated online due to the pandemic. In 2023, experts say businesses will spend 66% of their media budgets on digital marketing.

So, which digital strategies is your business taking advantage of?

If you’re not employing a few digital marketing strategies, then you’re missing out. Are you not sure about the different types of tactics to try out?

Read on to learn about five types of digital marketing strategies you should be using.

1. Social Media Marketing

How many of your customers do you think frequent social media sites? Most of them? All?

The majority of Americans have at least one online social media profile. If you’re a business, then these platforms can offer something valuable. They give you a free place to market your business, gain a following, and find new customers!

2. Email Marketing

The purpose of email marketing is to build a relationship with potential customers. Effective email marketing can turn leads into paying customers.

First, you’ll need to build up an email list. Rather than buying one, it’s best to organically build one yourself. Offer a sign-up area on your website and social media profiles to build up your list.

Then, you’ll want to send out email marketing materials to your email contacts. So long as you don’t spam your customers, they’ll likely look forward to your emails.

3. Content Marketing

How often do you find yourself reading articles like this one? We often look to the web for answers, so it makes sense to take advantage of that when marketing. 

Content marketing involves creating content your customers want to see. Content should be educational and useful. 

If successful, you’ll gain customers and become an authority in your niche. 

4. Influencer Marketing

How much more business do you think you’d have if someone like Elon Musk endorsed your product?

Influencer marketing works when you hire someone with a lot of followers to post about you. They might post support for your product or upload an honest review. By doing so, they increase your brand’s exposure while also promoting you, too.

5. Mobile Marketing

In 2021, most desktop computers are in offices. They’re used for work. Everything else happens on mobile devices. In fact, a growing number of Americans only use mobile devices for internet purposes.

That’s why mobile marketing should be included in your digital marketing plan. Mobile marketing attempts to reach users on smartphones, apps, and tablets. You can use different methods, like PPC or SEO, but you’ll need to optimize them for mobile users.

Are you currently not utilizing mobile marketing tactics? If so, then that means your marketing efforts aren’t reaching a huge chunk of your audience.

Types of Digital Marketing For 2021 and Beyond

Do you think these tactics are the only types of digital marketing strategies? Think again!

The above five examples are only the tip of the iceberg. The deeper you dive, the more strategies you’ll learn about.

Are you looking for more information to help your digital marketing efforts pay off? If so, then you’re in good company! Digital marketing is only getting bigger and stronger in 2021.

Browse through our marketing section to see all the latest trends and keep your business on top.


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