Welcome to the world of development! If you are reading this article, then most likely you have decided to give the world a new web project or service. You have a solid idea, vision, clear positioning, first few leads, and even a budget. The most important thing left is to gather a development team and make a product. We all know that a strong, well-coordinated team is required and that it works efficiently in order to get the best work result. So the question is: where to find and what is needed in order to create an excellent development team. You will find the answers to these questions in the article titled ‘Where To Find A Team For Your AngularJS Development Company’. Read on and discover!

It’s hard to imagine developing web applications today without AngularJS. After launching in 2009, AngularJS quickly gained popularity and is not going to lose ground – it remains the most popular JavaScript framework on GitHub (in the top both by forks and by the number of “stars”). There are many conferences on the topic of AngularJS, people talk about it at webinars and argue about it in the thematic IT community. There are many AngularJS books and online resources for developers. For clients, this means: by choosing AngularJS, you will not only be on trend in developing your projects, but you will always be able to find developers to support it. A huge advantage for your business is the high speed of development, because with the right approach, even large applications can be quickly developed with AngularJS. AngularJS allows you to organize applications from separate modules. Such modules can either depend on each other or be autonomous. For example, let’s consider such case, the Facebook login module can be used in several parts of the application at once, for example, on the login page and on the checkout page. And thanks to the built-in mechanism of dependency injection, AngularJS itself recognizes the situation when you need to provide auxiliary objects, provides them and links the objects together. Due to the lack of a rigid project structure in AngularJS, you can create applications with a fairly diverse structure. You can also use AngularJS for mobile development (of course, we are talking about creating so-called hybrid applications).
No wonder that your company specializes in development with AngularJS, because after reading all the benefits it is difficult to imagine what could be better. So, when selecting and finding a dream team for your company, you need to think carefully about the technical side of the projects and imagine which specialists you would like to see. In an ideal situation, developing a new product looks like this: you recruit people, describe your product to them as you see it, and give a deadline. The team works and at the right time brings a finished high-quality product, which is then gradually (but also quickly and efficiently) refined. In real life, this, of course, does not happen often and each case has its own set of problems, but in general they are quite typical. Therefore, even at the start of the project, it is possible to describe a set of the most common risks, some of which in the course of work are implemented into common problems. Let’s see the most frequently implemented ones:
- Fatal delay in deadlines. The product is being developed and even turns out to be of high quality, only now either the window of opportunity has closed, or the budget has ended.
- Consistently low-quality product. The product is ready and released, customers have received it, but they constantly face problems using your product. And the team, week after week, month after month, cannot provide them with normal work. Clients break down and leave – either to competitors or to nowhere.
- Loss of an efficient team. At some point, key specialists (especially if there is only one such specialist) may suddenly decide that it is more interesting for them to work for another company, or even get hit by a tram. It happens that the remaining team is unable not only to develop, but even to maintain a product with acceptable quality. And candidates for an interview look into the longing eyes of potential colleagues, then into the code, and no longer get in touch.
The realization of any of these risks, or even a combination of several, is not a verdict for the product and the business. Typically, you can put in an effort and bring your product back to sustainable development. Any developer of your team (however, this also applies to other specialists involved in development) has two slightly conditional, but very important parameters. These are qualifications and motivation. A qualification describes how well a person can do their job. And motivation determines how much he really realizes this ability. Qualification can be broken down into several components: technical qualifications are knowledge of their tools; experience is the knowledge of how to act in certain situations; interaction skills are the ability to effectively build interaction with others: colleagues, users, clients. Motivation is also not so simple. We can say that it has a certain basic level, which is determined by whether a person believes in the product he is working on, whether he sees prospects for himself personally, whether he feels that, on the whole, everything is going as it should.
And so, you need qualified people. That is, people who are not only technically savvy and experienced, but also will be ready to work together productively. Where can you find them? Recruit people with experience and the right work culture. Usually these are people with 5+ years of experience who have worked for a significant amount of time in large and medium-sized companies, about which you know that everything is in order there with the culture. Culture in our case is when it is not customary to do badly under any circumstances, there is an atmosphere of cooperation within the teams, the company and employees are open to modern approaches to organizing effective work, and so on. The reward for the right choice will be a team that knows what they are doing, is involved in the process, is transparent for the business and does one thing with it – a good product.
- The first search option is sites for finding work on the Internet. There are a lot of sites where you can find programmers eager to work on a cool project even for a little money (especially in a period when remote work is so popular). When choosing such employees, be sure to conduct an interview and ask interesting questions, in addition to the standard ones that relate to the technical side of the work. For example: what the previous employer could say about your strengths and weaknesses; in case of unbearable technical difficulties for you, who will you contact; what do you expect from my project. Based on the answers, pick only the best candidates meticulously. Try to meet with the developer live before hiring, if you only talked online before.
- Try to find the professionals you need through your personal circle of contacts – acquaintances, friends, colleagues. Ask a question about good developers among your relatives and friends, if they have anyone in mind. Or maybe your nephew has been engaged in Angular-development for a couple of years and has already managed to learn something sensible. If you are not a sociopath and misanthrope (what are you doing in the entrepreneurship niche?), There will definitely be a couple of experienced developers through everyone’s favorite FFF (family, friends, fools).
- The last solution is students. Yes, not everyone wants to work with students, but they are literally a golden streak of programming. Most of them already know how to do cool things, but at the same time, they go to work with great pleasure and burning eyes. Try attending career days organized at universities in the specialties you need, posting on bulletin boards at universities, explore online resources where students in the specialties you are interested in can look for work.
Thanks for reading an article ‘‘Where To Find A Team For Your AngularJS Development Company’. I hope it was useful and interesting for you. Try to build long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with programmers. It will be better if you have one team working on your project, who will know what and how is done on your website or application. This will improve the quality of the IT product. Wish you to reach the goal and find the ideal development team!